How to choose your tennis strings

Choosing your stringing

Stringing! THE big question for all self-respecting tennis players. Often compared to the soul of the racket, stringing is also the most divisive choice in tennis equipment. Mono-filament or multi-filament?

Too stiff, too soft, not tight enough... There are so many questions for just a few meters of strings, so we decided to provide as many answers as we can. Stringing that suits one person does not necessarily suit another. And a poor choice of stringing can have consequences.

Stringing plays just as important of a role as the racket's frame. It has a "catalyst" effect as it's the only part that is in contact with the ball.

There are many different types of stringing which can be grouped into different families:

• multi-filament;

• monofilament;

• gut strings;

• hybrid.

Clearly, each family has its own features and benefits that you can learn about.


This is the stringing that is closest to gut strings. Multi-filament strings are made of several hundred synthetic micro-filaments assembled together and protected by a sheath.

This stringing type holds tension well, is comfortable and provides less power than gut strings but more than other types of stringing.


• Retains tension well;

• Good comfort;

• Power.

Ideal for

• Players breaking often (between 10 and 20 hours of play);

• Players looking for comfort and power;

• Regular players, playing 1 to 2 times a week.


It is made of a single polyester or co-polyester thread. This stringing is very stiff. In addition, it can take a different shape (round, octagonal, hexagonal, pyramidal, etc.) to increase spin.


• Spin;

• Durability.

Ideal for

• Very high level players breaking often. (less than 10 hours of play);

• Powerful players playing with spin;

• Not recommended for children (age 13 and under, even competitive players);

• Intensive players playing 3 or more times a week.

More info: tennis elbow is a very common injury caused by a wrong choice of stringing and bad tension. Very often, high-level players still use mono-filament rather than hybrid or multi-filament stringing.

Natural gut

It is made of several hundred natural micro-filaments from the small intestines of cows. That's right! They are from cows, not cats!


• Excellent tension retention;

• Excellent comfort;

• Excellent power;

Ideal for

• Flat hitters who break very rarely (Over 20 hrs of play);

• Players looking for feel and power;

• Children, the elderly, and those with slower arm speeds;

• Regular players, playing 1 to 2 times a week.


Hybrid stringing is a blend of two types of stringing. A soft, powerful stringing blended with stiff, durable stringing to create spin. The mains (strings parallel to the racket handle) create spin, and the crosses (strings perpendicular to the racket handle) provide power.

Ideally, you should place mono-filament strings vertically and gut or multi-filament strings horizontally.


• Power;

• Comfort;

• Spin;

• Durability;

• The advantage of two types of stringing.

Ideal for

• Players breaking regularly. (Between 10 and 20 hours of play);

• Players looking for power and spin with good comfort;

• Intensive players playing 3 or more times a week.

More info: certain professional players use the "reverse hybrid" stringing method: gut on the vertical bands and mono-filament on the horizontal bands. Only their arm speed and physical condition allow these players to control their ball. They are looking for more control and feel.

Now you have all the information you need to choose your stringing.

Feel free to try a few before making your choice, and take advantage of the expertise of the sales assistants in Decathlon stores.

Then it'll be nothing but joy on the court! Or, almost... A good stringing choice is not enough on its own. You then need to find the best tension for you and string your racket before going to hit the little yellow ball.

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