Theme: backcourt technique
Improving technical footwork (moving, getting into position and returning to a ready position near the baseline)
Serve technique (consistency)
• 10’: Rallies in the service box without accelerating the ball or spreading out the game. Keep control of the ball. Stay balanced over both feet during every hit.
• 10’: Improving footwork technique (moving, adjusting, returning to a ready position near the baseline, rhythm). Backcourt rallies: 1 player defends their half of the court by hitting 2 cross-court shots, then 2 shots down the line. Always change position slightly just before your opponent hits, then move to reach it. Take time to rest if you feel the need. If you are making too many mistakes (foul every 3 shots), slow the drill down. 5 min of work per player.
• 10’: Do the same drill as before but on the other half of the court.
• 10’: Butterfly drill: 1 player hits every shot cross-court, the other player hits every shot down the line. Always change position slightly just before your opponent hits, then move to reach it. Take time to rest if you feel the need. If you are making too many mistakes (foul every 3 shots), slow the drill down.
• 10’: Serve in the two diagonals. Concentrate on transitioning between the starting and hitting position. Stay as relaxed as possible while remaining balanced.
• 10’: Unstructured play Play the point starting from the serve.